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Hidden Agendas

I usually never actually express myself too much to the world for personal reasons. Honestly, I usually try my best to stay away from social media altogether because of the price you pay. To be real, I had to say something about the disgusting traits that "innocent" people tend to have waiting for others, for when they let their guards down and actually try to see humanity in a more positive light. I'm not the best person in the world. Hell, I'm not even close and I know, and I make sure everyone around me knows that so they know exactly what they're getting into. No sugar coating, no hidden messages, no reading between the lines. There's no catch at all. But when I come in contact with those few that really have a hidden agenda (lack of better words), it sickens me to see the length they'd go to just the cover their own tracks or make themselves look like they're the victim, walking away without getting their hands dirty. Usually the very kind, quiet, very caring and "straight arrow" type of people. And to add insult to injury (the comical part), its usually our loved ones. It happens more than you all would like to think, yet nobody bats an eye or even questions it. And when they do, they're the asshole or dick or whatever else is said. Are they the ones to blame for not going along with the atrocious behavior we allow citizens to walk around with nowadays? I'm flustered on the fact that the people we fight for, love day in and out, care for, and practically die for could be so condescending and conniving. Maybe it's just me though. Me & my dick ways.

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