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Trump v. Clinton

Honestly, I didn't think I needed to say anything, but it's getting retarded out here. Apparently if you didn't vote, everything is your fault in this election... by far the dumbest shit I've seen. I guess it was just me, myself, and a few others that seen the "lesser or two evils" excuse it's just a way to feel good about yourself. You wanted me to vote and pretty much say some issues were more important than others, or that some of the crap done by one of the candidates is ...not as bad as the other. "But that's not why I voted for blah blah blah"... shut up. Your vote is going for everything they stand for, whether you like it or not. If you really cared about America as yall say, you'd see that not voting is also sending a message. What is the message you ask? The message is saying you won't stand for letting EITHER OF THOSE TWO DUMBASSES LEAD OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE WHAT THEY HAVE DONE, AND NONE OF THEM ARE EVEN CLOSE TO BEING FIT TO HAVE THE TITLE OF POTUS. I refused to vote, nobody earned/deserved my vote. Now if anyone has a problem, we could simply meet and discuss this. Hell, I'll give you the address or even come to you. Just cause you "voted" for Satan or Lucifer doesn't mean a damn thing. Don't judge someone for being woke, folks.

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